#3 | Round Up + Review | Months 03 + 04 / 24 / Mainly Marta :: A Motherhood + Lifestyle Blog



What started as a digital diary to document a newfound journey as a stay at home mom / wife has quickly evolved into my own little corner on the internet where I share all that life brings my way -- the good, the bad, and everything in between. Thanks for stopping by; I hope you stay awhile!

#3 | Round Up + Review | Months 03 + 04 / 24

Art Print Tea Leaves (1909) by William McGregor Paxton

 hello hello! 

today, I'm coming at you with a round up and review for both March and April because I took a posting break in March while I visited my family. It was much needed, but when April came around, I started working on this post, and for some reason it was put on the back burner. I guess getting back into the swing of things was harder this time around. 

It's now the end of May and I've been putting off pressing publish because I wanted to finish the show, we were the lucky ones, before I gave the final review. The show was released one episode per week, so I decided to let them all come out so I could watch it like a movie. So, that explains the delay, in case anyone was wondering. 

from here on out, I think I will group these reviews as two or three months in one, so this kind of thing doesn’t happen again! I may end up bunching them into seasonal / quarter posts because I’m coming to realize that I don’t try that many new things in a month, but we’ll see what happens! 

*disclaimer — some links below are affiliate! 



hand cream and foot cream

these are my current favorites and I cannot get enough. they don't leave a greasy film after application, which I love, and they smell heavenly. not to mention how soft it leaves your hands and feet. literally the best duo on the market.

Would I Recommend it to a Friend? ☺ YES

Overall Rating: 10/10

silk pillow case

I bought this pillow case because I heard silk is better for curly hair. I don't think it does much for my hair, but I do love it because the silk gives such a cooling effect to your face. I bought the terracotta color because I was traveling and wanted to bring a pillow with me and have a case that was easy to spot. I really want to get some white ones for our bedroom now.

Would I Recommend it to a Friend? ☺ YES

Overall Rating: 7/10

sol de janeiro scent #68
I've tried three of these mists and this scent was my least favorite -- it was so bad, I returned it. I don't know why, but it gave off a strong metallic smell. I tried to give it a fair shot, but I just couldn't get behind it. I would not recommend this to anyone, ever.

Would I Recommend it to a Friend? ☹ NO

Overall Rating: 1/10

matcha latte

some days, I'll pass on the coffee and crave a matcha, and when those days roll around, I always reach for this brand. It tastes really good and doesn't need sweetener if you want to drink it hot and on it's own. I love adding sweet cold foam on those days I need an extra pick me up, and it's perfection.

Would I Recommend it to a Friend? ☺ YES

 Overall Rating: 8/10

the show: shogun

this show was one that was recommended to me by my little brother. If I'm honest, when he was telling me about it, I didn't think of it much as Japanese culture isn't one that I was familiar with. He kept asking me if I watched it, so I decided to give it a go.

The show was really well done, and it's piqued my interest into Japanese customs, culture, and politics. Though the story is fictional, it really keeps you on the edge of your seat. It's a show that you'll want to binge if you have the time. There is a light love story, but isn't raunchy to the point you have to fast-forward; they're tastefully done and fit into the storyline. There are fair share of betrayals, political dilemmas and relationships + loyalties tested. It's not fast-paced or a slow burn, it's well-timed and you're left wanting more when the credits roll.

All that to say, I really liked it. I won't give any spoilers, but I will say -- the ending was not what I was expecting. It left me with some questions, but it wasn't a cliffhanger which you can take as a good or a bad thing. I'd say it's one of the best shows to come out this year.

Would I Recommend it to a Friend? ☺ YES

Overall Rating: 8/10



jet lag hydrating face mask

this has become another staple in my skincare routine. it's a hydrating face mask, but I use it as a night crème + when my skin feels needs a moisturizing boost. I went to the park for three hours one afternoon and came back tomato red last week. I used this crème to help soothe the burn and keep the sun kissed color. I didn't peel at all and after that, I just cannot stop reaching for this.

Would I Recommend it to a Friend? ☺ YES

Overall Rating: 8/10

sol de janeiro scents #62 + #40

these scents are so good, and I've officially adopted them as my signature scents. pistachio, vanilla, plum -- they're all so yummy and have instantly become my favorite body and hair mists. 

Would I Recommend it to a Friend? ☺ YES

Overall Rating: 9/10


vanilla tea

my friend served this to us when she had us over for lunch, and I instantly fell in love. It tastes so good on its own, no sugar needed, which is what got me hooked. it gives off such cozy vibes and if you know me, I am all about the cozy things. it's my favorite tea, right next to peppermint.

Would I Recommend it to a Friend? ☺ YES

Overall Rating: 10/10

this lip treatment by OLEHENRIKSEN is such a goodie. It smells heavenly and applies really nicely too. I love that it's not sticky and leaves the lips feels soft. I am a big fan and will repurchase.

Would I Recommend it to a Friend? ☺ YES

Overall Rating: 8/10

the show: we were the lucky ones
this show was one that left me in tears. it’s heartfelt and really well done. It’s streamed on Hulu, and it’s been on my to watch since I saw the trailer. I am so glad that I waited to watch it like a movie because it was really nice to go through all the emotions all at once. I found myself crying during the finale multiple times.

Like always, I don’t want to give away any spoilers, but if you like historical dramas based on true stories, and timed around WWII, then I’d say give it a watch. It’s about a Jewish family’s pursuit of survival in Poland as the Nazis invade. I wouldn’t say it’s a cliffhanger type of show, but several of the episodes leave you wondering what comes next. All in all, the story is wonderful and to see that it’s based on a true story — just wow. I love the shows that show you photographs and tell you where they ended up. The show pushes the power of a family bond, a human’s persistence to survive and the impact of a genocide. It’s a excellent watch and worthy of a weekend binge if you have the time. 

Would I Recommend it to a Friend? ☺ YES

Overall Rating: 8/10

annnnnnd that's a wrap! 
my hits and misses for the last two months. see you next time, xoxo.

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