christmas shopping (1947) by Roger Wilkerson
hello there. welcome back. I hope you had a wonderful thanksgiving! I cannot believe it's black friday already. I hope you've found some amazing deals. since we're resuming blogmas, I wanted to take today to shout out some of my favorite small shops and artists that could use your support tomorrow for small shop saturday. these shops are near and dear to my heart as they are ones that I frequent often.
I'll be adding some codes and links as i have them, but really just support these amazing without the links if you can because the revenue they make today and this season help pay their bills and support their families. I love supporting them and love the amazing work + products they consistently bring!
so enough blabbing, here's that list --
favorite small shops
I'm Irena's biggest fan. she makes wonderful play-dough stampers and wooden animals that we consistently reach for during the day. She also makes wooden trays and puzzles that are absolutely wonderful. She gave me a code to share with my followers a while back and it's valid for the rest of this year!
use code : 10MARTA2023 for 10% off your order
another one of my all time favorites. Sarah creates the most beautiful fizzy kits and curates a collection of wonderful curiosities. She has seasonal drops that are literally jaw dropping.
one of my favorite places to buy natural homemade play dough. the colors are gorgeous and the quality is amazing!
favorite mom and dad team! they make the most beautiful wooden toys and
trays. Becky has become a close friend of mine and every launch she and
her husband, Andrew, release with is so original and beautiful! I really love their commitment to using earthy and muted tones. they're on winter break right now, but I couldn't not add them to this list!
sells a beautiful collection of wooden and felt toys. we also love buying our connectix tiles from this shop.
get $10 off your first order by clicking here!
a collection of beautiful books, clothes, and toys.
first small shop I ever supported and bought from when I started
homeschooling. they have wonderful educational resources in the form of
white boards and wooden trays. they also have a wonderful selection of
our favorite place to buy play silks for capes and forts. The colors are amazing and we love the seasonal prints. We also use their subscription and get a play silk each month in the mail!
the go to place for all my waldorf needs!
get $10 off of $50 using this link or use code "MARTA" at checkout!
another favorite place to buy homemade play-dough. the colors + quality are always up to par with our expectations!
we love their selection of wooden open ended toys. they carry one of our favorite Romanian toy brands!
my go to for colorful nature based toys. they have some great educational resources too.
they're based in canada, but I love their selection of items especially during the holidays
their seasonal toys are amazing! a great place to browse. I don't have a daughter, but if I did, I'd shop their doll shop on the regular.
this toy shop is the dreamiest, with heirloom pieces you'll cherish forever.
my go to place for maileg and grapat items. they have an amazing selection of toys!
a homemaker's paradise! I love this shop for so many reasons. they have vintage markets every month as well as household staples. I love shopping at this shop and wish they had a local brick and mortar store in my city.
a little shop filled with vintage inspired pieces and books.
this is the shop that sells our favorite seasonal nature studies!
they have beautiful digital resources that are inspired by nature. they also have penpal clubhouse which is a cute little subscription that gives you a letter pack each month that your child can send to their pen pal.
they have a wonderful selection of european toys + folk art.
this is a shop I love because they sell so many kinds of toys and books. I love browsing their selection of usborne books and wooden toys.
the most beautiful wooden heirloom toys -- name puzzles, push toys, homeschooling tools and so much more. all amazing quality and handmade!
favorite artists
pauline makes miniature needle felted companions that are completely magical. they're stunning creations and so creative.
@picwool on instagram
vanessa makes the cutest waldorf dolls.
@lilalune on instagram / @lilalune.patterns on instagram
jamie is one of my favorite watercolor artists. her painting of whimsical little mice are magical!
@jamie.lauby on instagram
viktoriya make the sweetest fruit and veggie waldorf dolls that I have ever seen!
@dollbelge on instagram
another watercolor artist that does such beautiful work!
@lamblittle on instagram
the sweetest little animal sculptures made out of clay
@faunaclay on instagram
heirloom minature felted animal friends
@rustlesfromthemeadow on instagram
lovely illustrations of every day life and seasons
@studiosatsch on instagram
such whimsical illustrations of the countryside
@lavi_illustration on instagram
she makes modern folk art .
@brooklynswenson on instagram
some of the sweetest tiny waldorf dolls.
@foxchildren on instagram
beautiful illustrations + prints
@gwens_illustrations on instagram
the sweetest most magical felt mice
stunning illustrations of children and scenes from nostoglic stories
... well, this list could go on an on because there are so many creators, artists and shop owners that I love. I hope you check them out + consider support a few shops tomorrow. even a follow on social media helps a little bit.
until next time,