seek justice, love mercy and walk humbly; my prayer
Social media, the news, protests, riots, fighting words from all sides of the table.
It's a confusing time right now.
What I do know is that if people are hurting, it is my job as a follower of Jesus to listen and comfort those people. period. I often think of my Savior looking down on us and being disappointed by the fact that we do not seem to understand that → E V E R Y O N E ← was made in His image. We are all precious in His sight -- red, yellow, black, and white.
so when my fellow brothers and sisters say that all lives can't matter until black lives matter, I have would have to agree no matter how controversial it may sound to some. their lives matter to my Savior, so they matter to me.
y'all Jesus did not come to the earth and die for our sins, so we could treat others like they treated Him.
they persecuted Him, accused Him unjustly, they hated Him and they killed Him.
we cannot stand for that behavior towards people who were created in HIS imagine.
we just can't.
My heart is heavy as I write this.
I am sad for America.
My heart yearns for God to heal our land.
this is my prayer..
Jesus, please please please break our hearts for what breaks Yours.
May we be quick to listen, slow to speak, slow to judge, and slow to become angry.
Jesus, we need Your light now more than ever.
Clean our hearts, make them clean, so we can do Your work.
Help us lead the broken hearted to You by our actions, love, and words.
Soften the hearts of Your people and fill them with love.
Fill us so we can pour out Your love on our hurting brothers and sisters.
Sow peace in all our aching hearts.
I'd like to list a few petitions + resources down below for the people who are interested in them.
I aim to seek justice, love mercy, and walk humbly because that's what Jesus would do.
I also want to commend, give kudos, and say thank you to all the God-fearing men and women who are addressing others with kindness, respect, and love during this crazy time. y'all are my favorite people.
P E T I T I O N S + D O N A T E
*this section will be updated periodically as I am still researching and compiling sources.
& for the record,
I do not consider myself an activist and I don't have anything to promote except Jesus and his love.
Here is the post I shared on Instagram regarding our responsibility as a church when it comes to racism.
I quoted the late Billy Graham because he so eloquently put the thoughts that I had jumbled in my head on the topic.