Review :: Dock A Tot / Mainly Marta :: A Motherhood + Lifestyle Blog



What started as a digital diary to document a newfound journey as a stay at home mom / wife has quickly evolved into my own little corner on the internet where I share all that life brings my way -- the good, the bad, and everything in between. Thanks for stopping by; I hope you stay awhile!

Review :: Dock A Tot

Right after I had Felix, I noticed that the motherhood community on Instagram were all raving about one product time and time again -- the Dock A Tot. Of course, after seeing all those great reviews, I wanted one for myself because who doesn't want something amazing for their little one? I talked myself out of getting one though because I felt like I had too much stuff and didn't really need it, but deep down, I was always wishing I had gotten one.

Welllllll, when I got pregnant the second time around, there was no turning back -- I just needed to get my hand on one and I did. I can honestly say that I am so glad I did because having the Dock A Tot Deluxe in our home has been a game changer especially at bedtime.  From the moment Marcus has been home, I've placed him in his Dock A Tot Deluxe and am happy with how well he sleeps  in it. At the hospital, during our 48 hour stay, Marcus would wake up every hour during the night, but now, he's waking up only once, maybe twice a night -- letting my husband and I get the rest we need to tackle the next day. 

I love that the Dock A Tot is a multifunctional product -- it promotes safe co-sleeping as well as a playtime lounger. It's such a great lounger that my 18 month toddler finds himself crawling in it when baby brother isn't using it even though he is a bit big for it.

The Dock A Tot, designed in Sweden and handmade in Europe, comes in two different sizes -- Deluxe (0-8 months) and Grand (9-36 months). It's so lightweight and has been tested for breathability which lets me use it with ease. I'm not worried about safety when using the Dock A Tot because in addition to it's breathability factor, it's also all natural and 100% cotton. It's non-heat harboring and free of harmful substances, so when you're using it, you'll have peace of mind that this product is one of the best on the market. 

I really love that this product is portable / travel friendly -- it'll give the baby comfort of home when we're away from home. I've also used this product giving Marcus supervised tummy time and I love that the cushions on the side prevent him from rolling over. 

While Marcus is a small newborn and currently using the Deluxe right now, I already foresee us upgrading to the Grand because he loves it so much. It's a product I regret not getting sooner. Its that good.


* product received compliments of brand, but review is my honest and personal opinion. 


Mai Edwards said...

Marcus is so dang sweet. I wish the dock a tot was around when I had my kiddos. It looks like around ream for a newborn baby

Aileen said...

What a cutie! I'm still not convinced about the whole "breathability" factor on the dock a tot. I was too scared to use one when LO was a new born but they do look comfy. said...

Ugh! I wish I knew about these with my kids! This would have been a huge game changer. I have 4 boy, my last two are twins, this would have helped so much so I wouldn't have to sleep on the couch lol.

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