4 Affordable Products for Acne Breakouts

It's your worst nightmare: looking into the mirror and spotting a red mountain taking over your face -- usually just in time for an important event in your life. panic! You're life is officially over.... unless you can get rid of it! So out comes the smartphone and start looking for the fastest way to get rid of those pesky pimples. I don't know about you, but acne breakouts always come at times when something big is going to happen. Pimples love appearing for photo ops -- they're not camera shy in my experience either. Here are 4 products that make life a little bit easier when that happens.

e.l.f Acne Fighting Spot Gel with Aloe or e.l.f. Zit Zapper
I love these little guys! They really work for me. Whenever I see a slight red bump on my face, I attack it with one of these e.l.f products and it dries it up! These roll-on products kill the bacteria before it gets a chance to get bigger and more noticeable. I usually use this when I see a pimple trying to emerge, but if you wake up with a huge zit, I'd still say give this a try -- just apply it multiple times throughout the day for a few days.Mario Badescu's Drying Lotion
If you've read my blog from the beginning, you know that the Drying Lotion is one of my all time favorite products to use on acne. All you have to do is take a Q-tip and dab it in the pinkish clay. The clayish mixture is not hard, so don't try to dig in because that doesn't do anything. You then proceed to dab all the zits you want to dry out. After application, I let the mixture dry a bit (be warned, it's a little tingly at first, but that goes away after about 3 to 5 minutes after the initial application) and then to to sleep. When you wake up, your pimple should have shrunk in size or have completely have vanished.Smile's PRID Drawing Salve
This product has proven to be a miracle worker -- especially for those who have (or suffer from) cystic acne. I know it to be 100% effective because it saved my life! Here's the story: four days before my engagement party, a huge cystic pimple took over my entire chin from the stress of planning. I didn't even have a chin anymore to be honest, it was just a huge red throbbing zit that you could not hide no matter how hard you tried. Cystic pimples are deep, so you can't see the pore that's infected. It's just this red spot and boy, oh boy does it hurt! With my engagement party coming up, an even that would have 100 of our closest family and friends -- I was soooooo desperate to get rid of it, and I tried literally everything you could possibly think of: it just wouldn't go away. Luckily my fiancé (now husband) took it upon himself to read about remedies and he found this miracle worker. When I first put it on, the smell really bothered me, but I was desperate, so I lathered it on my chin, covered it up with a bandage and went to sleep. When I woke up and took off the bandage, I was shocked to see the pimple half the size it was 8 hours earlier. It took two days for the pimple, the size of an egg, to completely vanish! Whenever I see a cystic pimple, I grab this stuff and lather it on.Baby Aquaphor or Desitin :: DiaperRash Cremes
I know this sounds strange, but I live by this method. When I break out, I take a little bit of my son's diaper rash creme (I have the brands Desitin and Baby Aquaphor at home) and apply it to the areas that I broke out. Don't put to much creme on your face because it is rather thick. You want to take a little bit of the creme and rub it on your pimple until your skin has absorbed most of the creme. Do this at night after washing your face and before going to bed for best results. If you'd like to use this method, then make sure you buy diaper rash creme and not healing ointment -- the creme needs to have Zinc Oxide in it.So, yah!
These products have helped me throughout the past few years when it came to getting rid of acne. I've tried each of these methods and they've worked for instant acne relief. I'll eventually write a post about brands that claim to help with acne and whether or not they've helped me because I've tried quite a few! Until then, I hope that you find at least one of these methods useful.How do you cope with pimples? Tell me all your beauty secrets in the comment section!
the commentary given in this post is my personal opinion.
there was no compensation given to me for writing about these products.
each product that is mentioned in this post worked for me personally.
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